Katie Janzen

Full-Stack Software Engineer


Contact Info


In one way or another, I’ve been developing software for just about as long as I can remember. I’ve built full-stack web applications, video games and game modifications, a command line interface for running a secret santa event, I can do it all. I’m a hard worker so if you need something done right, look no further: I’m your new developer.

Experience 2011 - Present

Front-End Developer, Take Command Health Insurance Agency Inc. 2022 - 2024

SaaS Company offering Web Platform for Employers to manage a Health Reimbursement Arrangement for their Employees

Open Source 2022 - Present

Contributor, Nix Ecosystem 2024 - Present

Purely functional package manager, package repository, and software packaging toolset for fully declarative package management and configuration

Author, Umpteen 2023 - Present

Turing-complete Custom Programming Language preferring data immutability bootstrapped from Rust

Software Engineer, Jesteer | OSLabs 2022

Chrome Extension to automatically generate end-to-end testing for web apps, backed by Open Source Software Accelerator, OSLabs

Independent Video Games 2011 - Present

Coldlight 2020 - 2022

Arcade Action Game where players destroy enemy spacecraft to claim high scores

A.C.E. - A Chromatic Experience 2016

Puzzle Platformer where players use color to collect keys and traverse various gates to solve puzzles

Trapfall 2014

One on One Competitive Online Multiplayer Experience

FutureShock 2011

Vertical-Scrolling Arcade Shooter

Public Presentations

Straight from the SRC: How a Compiler Works 2022

Talk presented as part of SingleSprout’s Speaker Series